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Clan Gibbs History

The surname Gibbs is of personal origin.

Rothesay Castle

Rothesay Castle

In 1335, Rothesay Castle was surrendered by a Johun Gibson, and there is a record of a Thomas Gibbeson breaking his parole, for which he was charged, in 1358.

A one time hostage of Henry VI in 1425, William Douglas, had John Gybbessone as a servitor, and in the same year, Thome Gibson was recorded as having held land in Dunfries.

In 1430, Thomas Gibsoun was present on an assize of the lands of Gladmor (Gladsmuir).

In Glasgow, David Gibsone was witness to the siging of a charter in 1451, and in 1496 John Gibsoune was chamberlain of the burgh of Glasgow.

John Gibson, a merchant, was granted papers of safe conduct into England in 1473, and he may be the same person as the John Gybson who was a recorded factor and attorney in the same year.

There is record of a John Gypsone who was a tenant of James Beaton (1473-1539), archbishop of Glasgow, in 1514.
In 1525, William Gibsoun was witness to an instrument of sasine, and in 1543 David Gibson was bailie of the burgh of Dysart in Fife.

A Dauid Gyb was a member of an assize at Cupar in 1521, and in 1585 there is record of a Elizabeth Gib in Craigmakerane in Tayside.

The Orkney and Caithness Gibsons were originally from Edinburgh, whilst the Gibsons of Durie are first seen at the start of the 16th century, and held their lands up to 1785.

In 1622, Robert Gib was burgess of Linlithgow.

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